Sunday, May 5, 2013


Apparently I cannot add a word or pdf document...sigh. So I have cut and paste the text from my documentation into the section labeled....Documentation. It is, like the dress, a work in progress and as I really have not documented any of my work before, I would be interested in your thoughts and comments. I will add in the images as time permits, because they wouldn't cut and paste.

And I am still couching.....though I may have been distracted by a black and gold german number.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, thank you for posting this documentation! I can hardly wait to read it.

    I think another option for posting documents could be google docs. I used it on my blog to post a design plan for a gondola style camping trailer which couldn't get to post as a PDF. I put it in google docs, open to anyone with the link, and then posted the link on my blog.

    It's worked so far. :)
